About Us

Travel through time and space

Monasteries and convents are of great cultural, artistic and spiritual importance. Explore the mysteries and charms surrounding these beautiful buildings.

Our work aims to publicize Portugal’s monasteries and convents, sharing the indescribable beauty of these places and encouraging people to visit them.

The preservation of history and the promotion of cultural diversity are the main objectives of this project, which reveals the stories of the most important of these sacred sites in Portugal.

The project will be constantly updated with new monasteries and convents. With the support of the Direção Geral da Cultura do Norte and Turismo Porto e Norte de Portugal.


To provide an educational and inspirational platform, highlighting the cultural, artistic and spiritual importance of monasteries and convents. Visitors can find here a renewed respect for these sacred sites and a deeper appreciation for the heritage we share.


To act as a catalyst for the respect and continued preservation of these buildings, encouraging the population to visit these spaces and promote them at a tourist level.

Core Values